30. marts - 14. april
Freemantle Australien
Fremantle, ofte kærligt kaldet "Freo," er en charmerende kystby beliggende i det vestlige Australien, kun en kort køretur fra Perth. Byen er en skatkiste af kultur, historie og naturskønhed. Fremantle er kendt for sine velbevarede victorianske bygninger, farverige markeder, og det pulserende kulturliv. Besøgende kan udforske det historiske fængsel Fremantle Prison, nyde friskfanget fisk og skaldyr på Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, eller slappe af på de gyldne strande som South Beach. Med sin afslappede atmosfære og kreative sjæl er Fremantle en unik destination i Australien, der byder på noget for enhver smag.
The capital of the Batavia Coast was founded in 1850 as a commercial port serving the Northampton lead mine some 30 miles to the north. While Geraldton remains one of Western Australia's major ports, the city has become a magnet for vacationing Australians. Located between the Chapman and Greenough Rivers, Geraldton boasts a superb Mediterranean climate, scenic beauty and pristine beaches. Coronation Beach has become an international destination for windsurfers. In 1692 the Dutch East India Company Batavia was shipwrecked on the offshore Abrolhos Islands. Calamity was followed by mutiny and murder. The lurid tale ensured this portion of Western Australia would be named the Batavia Coast. Note: Geraldton is an anchorage port. Passengers transfer to shore via ship's tender.
At Sea
At Sea
In the 1870s, pearl fishermen discovered the rich waters of Roebuck Bay. A decade later, Broome was founded as a base for the pearl trade and was soon described as "the pearling capital of the world." Japanese, Chinese and Aborigine divers toiled in arduous, dangerous labor to harvest oysters from the seabed. For all its importance to the pearling industry, Broome remained a remote outpost on Australia's Kimberley Coast until its discovery as a travel destination. The legacy of its pearling days can be seen in the town's colorful mix of 19th- and early 20th century buildings. Broome also boasts Cable Beach - a 13-mile strand of white-sand that stretches along the azure waters of the Indian Ocean.
Kimberley Coast Scenic Cruising
Located in the northern part of Western Australia, Kimberley is one of the continent's earliest settled regions, dating as far back as 40,000 years. But although its mainland has been inhabited for centuries, its over 8,000 miles of ruggedly beautiful coastline remain so unspoiled that the Kimberley Coast has been identified as one of the least impacted marine environments in the world. Healthy reefs and incredible biodiversity make the Kimberley Coast a prime spot for marine wildlife viewing, from sea turtles to blue crabs, manta rays and the planet's largest population of humpback whales. Approaching the Kimberley Coast from the Indian Ocean, you'll make out dramatic red cliffs that stand out in stark contrast to the aquamarine waters of the fringing reefs below. More than 2,600 islands are scattered beyond the reefs, serving as nesting grounds to a variety of seabirds, including cormorants, giant Australian pelicans and Red-footed Boobies. The islands also provide breathtaking scenery in one of the world's most extensive coastal wilderness areas - and the best way to take it all in is from the sea!
At Sea
Closer to Indonesia than to any other Australian city, Darwin is the capital of the "Top End" - the remote, vast Northern Territory. Home to more than half of the territory's population, the city reflects the rugged endurance and individualism required to survive the Outback. Darwin also boasts a colorful history to add to that heritage. During World War II the Japanese bombed the city and threatened invasion. In 1974, Cyclone Tracy cut a destructive swath through the region. In addition, man-eating crocodiles, tropical monsoons, searing heat and bush fires that burn for weeks are all part of everyday life. Locals in the Top End consume over 60 gallons of beer a year. All those empties don't go to waste: Each year Darwin residents compete in the Beer Can Regatta, a race with boats, rafts and other vessels manufactured out of beer cans.
At Sea
At Sea
At Sea
Port Douglas
In 1877, the aptly named James Venture Mulligan struck pay dirt on Hodgkinson River, igniting the fabled North Queensland Gold Rush. At the height of the boom, Port Douglas boasted 12,000 residents and 27 hotels. Bust inevitably followed boom, and Port Douglas slid into decades of obscurity. Then came a second gold rush in the 1980s as tourists flocked to the North Queensland Coast. Located between the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and the Great Barrier Reef, Port Douglas provides a perfect gateway to hardy adventurers en route to rainforest and reef. In addition to its nearby scenic wonders, Port Douglas boasts several resorts ranging from the Sheraton Mirage to the Daintree Eco Lodge and Spa in the heart of the rainforest.

Cairns Australien
Cairns er kendt som et af de bedste udgangspunkter for at udforske Great Barrier Reef, der er en UNESCO Verdensarvsliste. Besøgende kan deltage i snorkling- og dykkerture for at udforske revets farverige koralformationer og det rige marine liv.
Byen har et væld af kulturelle arrangementer og festivaler året rundt, herunder Cairns Festival og Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, der fejrer den indfødte kunst og kultur i området.
Kuranda Scenic Railway er en berømt turistattraktion, der tilbyder en naturskøn togtur fra Cairns til Kuranda, en landsby i regnskoven. Undervejs passerer toget gennem frodige skove og krydser vandfald.
Cairns er en skøn destination for naturelskere og eventyrlystne rejsende, der ønsker at udforske det utrolige marine liv på Great Barrier Reef og de omkringliggende naturskønheder. Byen tilbyder også en afslappet atmosfære og et væld af aktiviteter for besøgende i alle aldre.
Willis Island, Australia
This tiny island measures in at just 1,600 feet long by 490 feet wide, though it is the only permanently inhabited island in the Coral Sea Islands Territory. You won't find any neighborhoods, schools or homes here, however. The only structures on Willis Island comprise a weather monitoring station hosted by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, where just a handful of weather observers reside at any given time. Willis Island is one of several tropical islands sitting beyond the Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea Islands Territory, and is surrounded by thriving reefs where many creatures make their homes. Numbering into the thousands, Willis Island itself caters to many species of seabirds, including Masked, Brown and Red-footed Boobies that cry out nearly 24 hours a day. It is also an important nesting ground for turtles.
At Sea

Brisbane Australien
Brisbane er en dynamisk og venlig by, der kombinerer moderne byliv med naturlig skønhed. Byen tilbyder en bred vifte af oplevelser, lige fra kulturelle aktiviteter til udendørs eventyr. Brisbane har en kulturscene med teatre, museer og kunstgallerier. Byen er omgivet af naturskønne områder, herunder Brisbane-floden, der snor sig gennem byen, og Moreton Bay ved kysten. Der er også mange parker og botaniske haver, herunder Brisbane Botanic Gardens og South Bank Parklands.
Crown Princess
Princess CruisesOm skibet
Crown Princess er et stort krydstogtskib, der ejes og drives af rederiet Princess Cruises. Skibet blev bygget i 2006 og gennemgik en omfattende renovering i 2018 for at modernisere og forbedre sine faciliteter.
Skibet har plads til mere end 3.000 gæster og har et besætningsmedlem for hver to gæster. Crown Princess har en imponerende længde på 290 meter og har 19 dæk, hvoraf 13 er tilgængelige for passagererne.
Skibets indretning er moderne og elegant med en række forskellige faciliteter og underholdningsmuligheder. Crown Princess byder på en række forskellige restauranter, barer og cafeer, hvor gæsterne kan nyde alt fra snacks og drinks til fine middage. Der er også en række forskellige butikker og et stort kasino om bord. På dækkene finder man en række forskellige pools og jacuzzier, der er ideelle til afslapning i solen.
Skibet har også en spa og fitness-center, hvor gæsterne kan træne og forkæle sig selv med en massage eller andre behandlinger. Crown Princess tilbyder også en række forskellige aktiviteter og underholdning for passagererne. Der er teaterforestillinger, musicals, live musik, danseopvisninger og andre events, der finder sted dagligt på skibet. Der er også et stort udvalg af sports- og spilaktiviteter, herunder basketball, volleyball, golf-simulator og minigolf.
Crown Princess sejler til en række forskellige destinationer over hele verden, herunder Caribien, Middelhavet, Alaska og Asien. Skibet har flere forskellige kahyttyper, herunder suiter og balkonkahytter, der er ideelle til par og familier.
Crown Princess er et imponerende krydstogtskib med en imponerende række faciliteter og underholdningstilbud. Skibet er ideelt til både par og familier, der ønsker at opleve en spændende og afslappende ferie til søs.
Fitness (4)
Øvrige (9)
Underholdning (11)
Mad og drikke (18)
Afslapning (10)
Rekreative (7)