1920X1080 USA Fort Lauderdale
Caribien & Bahamas

Fort Lauderdale

1920X1080 Bahamas Princess Cays Beach
Caribien & Bahamas

Princess Cays

1920X1080 Ambercove Beachseller
Caribien & Bahamas

Amber Cove

1920X1080 Grand Turk Buggy
Caribien & Bahamas

Grand Turk

1920X1080 Cozumel Harbour
Caribien & Bahamas


1920X1080 Belize Key Caulker
Caribien & Bahamas


1920X1080 Honduras White Headed Capuchin Monkey
Caribien & Bahamas


14 nætter Se rejseplan
Star Princess Læs om skibet


31. januar - 14. februar

Dag 1 USA, Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale USA

Afgang: 15:00

Fort Lauderdale, ofte omtalt som "Venedig i Amerika" på grund af sine mange kanaler og vandveje, er en solrig perle i den sydlige del af Florida, tæt på Miami. Byen er kendt for sine betagende strande, luksuriøse feriesteder og pulserende natteliv. Fort Lauderdale tiltrækker besøgende med sine blide klima og utallige udendørsaktiviteter, herunder sejlsport og vandsport i det krystalklare Atlanterhav. Den charmerende Las Olas Boulevard byder på shopping og spisning i verdensklasse. Fort Lauderdale er også en vigtig krydstogthavn og et ideelt udgangspunkt for at udforske det sydlige Florida, herunder Miami, Everglades og de tropiske nøgleøer.

Dag 2 Bahamas, Princess Cays
Princess Cays

Princess Cays Bahamas

Ankomst: 09:00 Afgang: 17:00

Princess Cays er en uforglemmelig destination i det smukke Caribiske Hav. Denne private ø i Bahamas er ejet af Princess Cruises og tilbyder besøgende en idyllisk oplevelse med hvide sandstrande, turkisblåt vand og en overflod af spændende aktiviteter. Beliggende på Eleuthera Island i Bahamas, byder Princess Cays på afslapning i solen, vandsport som snorkling og kajakroning, lækker grillmad og farverige lokale markeder. Det perfekte sted at nyde en stranddag med afslapning i solen.

Dag 3 På havet

At Sea

Dag 4 Dominikanske Republik, Amber Cove
Amber Cove

Amber Cove Dominikanske Republik

Ankomst: 08:00 Afgang: 18:00

Amber Cove er en strålende perle beliggende på den nordlige kyst af Den Dominikanske Republik, tæt på byen Puerto Plata. Denne moderne krydstogtshavn, som åbnede i 2015, er udviklet af Carnival Corporation og har hurtigt etableret sig som et af Caribiens mest populære rejsemål for krydstogtspassagerer. Med sin betagende naturlige skønhed, rige kulturhistorie og en bred vifte af aktiviteter er Amber Cove et ideelt sted for en uforglemmelig ferieoplevelse.

Dag 5 Turks- og Caicos, Grand Turk
Grand Turk

Grand Turk Turks- og Caicos

Ankomst: 08:00 Afgang: 19:00

Grand Turk, den smukkeste ø i Turks- og Caicosøerne, er en tropisk oase med utrolige strande og krystalklart vand. Med sin maleriske kystlinje og en afslappet atmosfære er øen et paradis for solbadere og snorkelentusiaster. Grand Turk er også kendt for sin historiske betydning som Christopher Columbus' første landingssted i den nye verden. Besøgende kan udforske den charmerende hovedstad, Cockburn Town, med sine farverige bygninger og fascinerende museer. Dybhavsfiskeri, hvalsafari og svømning med vilde heste er blot nogle af de utallige eventyr, der venter på denne uforglemmelige caribiske destination.

Dag 6 På havet

At Sea

Dag 7 På havet

At Sea

Dag 8 USA, Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale USA

Ankomst: 06:00 Afgang: 15:00

Fort Lauderdale, ofte omtalt som "Venedig i Amerika" på grund af sine mange kanaler og vandveje, er en solrig perle i den sydlige del af Florida, tæt på Miami. Byen er kendt for sine betagende strande, luksuriøse feriesteder og pulserende natteliv. Fort Lauderdale tiltrækker besøgende med sine blide klima og utallige udendørsaktiviteter, herunder sejlsport og vandsport i det krystalklare Atlanterhav. Den charmerende Las Olas Boulevard byder på shopping og spisning i verdensklasse. Fort Lauderdale er også en vigtig krydstogthavn og et ideelt udgangspunkt for at udforske det sydlige Florida, herunder Miami, Everglades og de tropiske nøgleøer.

Dag 9 På havet

At Sea

Dag 10 Mexico, Cozumel

Cozumel Mexico

Ankomst: 07:00 Afgang: 17:00

Cozumel er en tropisk ø ud for den mexicanske Yucatan halvø med en rig kultur. Øen er berømt for sine fantastiske koralrev og de hvide sandstrande. Der er mulighed for at udforske mayaernes interessante historie, snorkle i krystalklart vand og nyde lækker lokal mad. Palancar Reef er en enestående dykkeroplevelse, mens Chankanaab Adventure Beach Park giver en perfekt blanding af natur og strandhygge. Shopping i San Miguels farverige butikker og smagsprøver på autentisk mexicansk cuisine er også must-do aktiviteter. Med en kombination af solrige strande, historiske seværdigheder og kulturelle oplevelser er Cozumel et uforglemmeligt stop på turen.

Dag 11 Belize, Belize

Belize Belize

Ankomst: 08:00 Afgang: 18:00

Hovedstaden Belize er ofte et lidt rodet bekendtskab. Byen er ikke så spændende, men man skal ikke langt fra havnen før det ser helt anderledes ud. Her er Belize kendt for sin naturskønhed og forskelligartede økosystemer. Landets kystlinje langs Caribien er hjemsted for regnskove, mangroveskove, koraller og kalkstensgrotter. Der er en mangfoldig kultur, som afspejles i landets musik, dans, mad og kunst. En halv times sejlads fra centrum ligger paradis i bogstaveligste forstand. Tag både og nyd dage på Caye Caulker hvis i er til sol og hygge med billig mad og kulørte drinks.

Dag 12 Honduras, Roatan

Roatan Honduras

Ankomst: 08:00 Afgang: 18:00

Roatán, beliggende ud for kysten af Honduras i det caribiske hav, er en ægte perle for dem, der søger paradisstrande og dykning i verdensklasse. Med sit krystalklare vand, farverige koralrev og en rig marineliv, er Roatán et dykkerparadis. Øen byder også på en afslappet atmosfære, hvor du kan udforske de tropiske regnskove, smage på lækre caribiske retter og nyde solnedgangene over det azurblå hav. 

Dag 13 På havet

At Sea

Dag 14 På havet

At Sea

Dag 15 USA, Fort Lauderdale
Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale USA

Ankomst: 06:00

Fort Lauderdale, ofte omtalt som "Venedig i Amerika" på grund af sine mange kanaler og vandveje, er en solrig perle i den sydlige del af Florida, tæt på Miami. Byen er kendt for sine betagende strande, luksuriøse feriesteder og pulserende natteliv. Fort Lauderdale tiltrækker besøgende med sine blide klima og utallige udendørsaktiviteter, herunder sejlsport og vandsport i det krystalklare Atlanterhav. Den charmerende Las Olas Boulevard byder på shopping og spisning i verdensklasse. Fort Lauderdale er også en vigtig krydstogthavn og et ideelt udgangspunkt for at udforske det sydlige Florida, herunder Miami, Everglades og de tropiske nøgleøer.


Star Princess

Princess Cruises

Om skibet

Star Princess vil debutere i august 2025 og sejle en indledende sæson med Middelhavstogter. Det er det andet skib i Sphere-klassen og er søsterskib til Sun Princess.

I øjeblikket er hun under opførelse på Fincantieri-skibsværftet i Italien, og slutter Star Princess sig til Sun Princess som de største skibe, der nogensinde er bygget til Princess med 175.500 ton og plads til 4.300 gæster. Det nye skib er bygget på en platform, der er tydeligt anderledes og unik for Princess, designet til samtidig at omfavne Princess' arv og fejre havets romantik ved at tilbyde mere dynamiske, udadvendte udsigter.

Mens det er 20 procent større end nogen af rederiets eksisterende skibe, bevarer Star Princess' design de mere intime omgivelser, som Princess er kendt for, med flere nye og utroligt banebrydende områder såsom:

• The Dome, et transformationelt underholdningssted inspireret af terrasserne på Santorini. 
• Den næste niveau Piazza med en glaskugle • Princess Arena, en konfigurerbar, teknologisk avanceret hovedteater, der giver Princess mulighed for at producere en række innovative underholdningskoncepter
• En spisestue placeret agter på skibet for at levere uforglemmelige udsigter bagude.

Dette andet skib i Sphere-klassen vil også tilbyde en række spektakulære funktioner med spændende nye mad- og drikkekoncepter; et storslået, udvidet kasino; et to-etagers Lotus Spa; og fascinerende underholdning med Cirque Éloize i front. Vi har udvidet indkvarteringsmulighederne med luksuriøse kahytter og suiter, herunder de nye Reserve og Signature Collections.

Star Princess vil også vise den eksklusive Princess Medallion-service, der vil levere enestående personlige oplevelser. Det nye skib bliver det andet i Princess-flåden, der drives af LNG-brændstofteknologi og bliver bygget med de mest avancerede bæredygtige innovationer, der er tilgængelige.

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Lad os hjælpe dig med at finde eller booke din drømmerejse.

+45 70 10 63 43
Priser pr. kahyt
Indvendig 24.538,- Fra pris
Udvendig 27.236,- Fra pris
Kahyt med balkon
Kahyt med balkon 34.904,- Fra pris
Suite 43.850,- Fra pris



An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


An interior is the perfect place to recharge your batteries. Our most affordable option, these staterooms feature two twin beds or a queen-size bed and the basic amenities you expect, from flat-panel TV to in-room refrigerator. Approx. 136 to 145 sq ft. Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Premium Oceanview
Premium Oceanview

Whether the calm of the deep blue sea or the adventure of a new city on the horizon, the Premium Oceanview stateroom ensures picture-perfect snapshots from the comfort of your room. This stateroom includes all the amenities of an interior room and the added benefit of ocean views that bring an airy openness to the space. Approx. 212 sq. ft. Stunning ocean-view window Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Premium Oceanview
Premium Oceanview

Whether the calm of the deep blue sea or the adventure of a new city on the horizon, the Premium Oceanview stateroom ensures picture-perfect snapshots from the comfort of your room. This stateroom includes all the amenities of an interior room and the added benefit of ocean views that bring an airy openness to the space. Approx. 212 sq. ft. Stunning ocean-view window Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Premium Oceanview
Premium Oceanview

Whether the calm of the deep blue sea or the adventure of a new city on the horizon, the Premium Oceanview stateroom ensures picture-perfect snapshots from the comfort of your room. This stateroom includes all the amenities of an interior room and the added benefit of ocean views that bring an airy openness to the space. Approx. 212 sq. ft. Stunning ocean-view window Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Premium Deluxe Balcony
Premium Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Premium Deluxe Balcony
Premium Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Deluxe Balcony
Deluxe Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cove Balcony
Cove Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cove Balcony
Cove Balcony

This inspired stateroom offers the added indulgence of a private balcony with well-appointed outdoor furniture and a relaxing view of the scenery that surrounds you, whether a rainbow-colored sunset over the ocean or a new city to explore. It’s also the perfect setting for cocktails before dinner or a leisurely breakfast. Approximately 235 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2 chairs and table Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Comfortable queen or pair of twin beds. Refrigerator Flat-panel television Private bathroom with shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Sky Suite
Sky Suite

The exceptional features of a Signature Sky Suite include luxurious appointments, an expansive stateroom and balcony featuring two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one with a full bath with tub and separate shower, a seating area and sofa bed. Along with special suite-only benefits, this stateroom includes access to the Signature Restaurant, Signature Lounge and private Signature area of The Sanctuary. Approx. 1,262 sq. ft., including balcony Pre-Cruise Shoreside Concierge Seamless curb to suite experience Suite Experience Manager to service your every need Reserved Princess Cays bungalow~ Premium Champagne upon arrival Two full bottle bar setup & mixers Complimentary Princess Fine Wine Tasting Private shopping concierge Complimentary Ultimate Balcony Breakfast and Dinner Luxury balcony furniture Living area with sofa that sleeps one Master bedroom with Princess Luxury Bed Private master bathroom with bathtub and separate rain shower Spacious closet and vanity/desk in master bedroom Second bedroom with Princess Luxury Bed (queen or pair of twin beds) Spacious closet and vanity/desk in second bedroom Luxury bedroom and bathroom linens Upgraded bathrobes and slippers Luxury bathroom amenities Portable hairdryer Nespresso machine

Penthouse Suite
Penthouse Suite

Surrounding you with deluxe accommodations, a spacious Signature Penthouse Suite with balcony includes all the amenities of our Signature Collection, including access to the Signature Restaurant, Signature Lounge and Signature Sun Deck, a private area of The Sanctuary. Enjoy more living space, a separate seating area with sofa bed, enhanced amenities that range from priority embarkation and disembarkation to a complimentary mini-bar setup in suite and so much more. Approx. 304 to 636 sq. ft., including balcony Luxury balcony furniture 2 floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed, chair and 2 tables One complimentary mini-bar setup and free daily bottled water Spacious closet Complimentary laundry and professional cleaning services Complimentary dinner at specialty restaurant on embarkation evening^ Priority reservations for specialty restaurants and shore excursions Priority disembarkation at tender ports Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Two flat-panel televisions Private bathroom with tub and separate shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Desk with chair Hair dryer & fine bathroom amenities Digital security safe


A complimentary glass of bubbly isn't the only perk you enjoy when you choose a Mini-Suite. It's substantially larger than a balcony stateroom and includes a separate seating area with sofa bed as well as two flat-panel TVs. Need a little extra space for your family or group? A Mini-Suite is the option for you. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 303 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Signature Suite
Signature Suite

Surrounding you with deluxe accommodations, a spacious Signature Penthouse Suite with balcony includes all the amenities of our Signature Collection, including access to the Signature Restaurant, Signature Lounge and Signature Sun Deck, a private area of The Sanctuary. Enjoy more living space, a separate seating area with sofa bed, enhanced amenities that range from priority embarkation and disembarkation to a complimentary mini-bar setup in suite and so much more. Approx. 304 to 636 sq. ft., including balcony Luxury balcony furniture 2 floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed, chair and 2 tables One complimentary mini-bar setup and free daily bottled water Spacious closet Complimentary laundry and professional cleaning services Complimentary dinner at specialty restaurant on embarkation evening^ Priority reservations for specialty restaurants and shore excursions Priority disembarkation at tender ports Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Two flat-panel televisions Private bathroom with tub and separate shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Desk with chair Hair dryer & fine bathroom amenities Digital security safe


A complimentary glass of bubbly isn't the only perk you enjoy when you choose a Mini-Suite. It's substantially larger than a balcony stateroom and includes a separate seating area with sofa bed as well as two flat-panel TVs. Need a little extra space for your family or group? A Mini-Suite is the option for you. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 303 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cabana Mini-Suite
Cabana Mini-Suite

The Cabana stateroom features a balcony, a private cabana, unique outdoor furniture and an extra-large private lounge space that lets you take in the fresh sea air. Unwind inside with a separate sitting area with sofa bed and premium bathroom amenities. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Cabana Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Cabana Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 329 sq. ft., including balcony and cabana Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Private cabana beside your balcony for an extra-large outdoor lounge space Access to the Cabana Deck, an outdoor lounge space exclusively for Reserve Cabana staterooms Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cabana Mini-Suite
Cabana Mini-Suite

The Cabana stateroom features a balcony, a private cabana, unique outdoor furniture and an extra-large private lounge space that lets you take in the fresh sea air. Unwind inside with a separate sitting area with sofa bed and premium bathroom amenities. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Cabana Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Cabana Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 329 sq. ft., including balcony and cabana Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Private cabana beside your balcony for an extra-large outdoor lounge space Access to the Cabana Deck, an outdoor lounge space exclusively for Reserve Cabana staterooms Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Reserve Collection Mini-Suite
Reserve Collection Mini-Suite

A complimentary glass of bubbly isn't the only perk you enjoy when you choose a Mini-Suite. It's substantially larger than a balcony stateroom and includes a separate seating area with sofa bed as well as two flat-panel TVs. Need a little extra space for your family or group? A Mini-Suite is the option for you. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 303 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Reserve Collection Mini-Suite
Reserve Collection Mini-Suite

A complimentary glass of bubbly isn't the only perk you enjoy when you choose a Mini-Suite. It's substantially larger than a balcony stateroom and includes a separate seating area with sofa bed as well as two flat-panel TVs. Need a little extra space for your family or group? A Mini-Suite is the option for you. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 303 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe


A complimentary glass of bubbly isn't the only perk you enjoy when you choose a Mini-Suite. It's substantially larger than a balcony stateroom and includes a separate seating area with sofa bed as well as two flat-panel TVs. Need a little extra space for your family or group? A Mini-Suite is the option for you. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 303 sq. ft., including balcony Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Owner's Suite
Owner's Suite

The Signature Owner's Suite features an expansive stateroom, oversized balcony, and a full bath with tub and separate shower. Enjoy Signature upgrades and benefits. Enjoy more living space, a separate seating area with sofa bed, enhanced amenities that range from priority embarkation and disembarkation to a complimentary mini-bar setup in suite and so much more. Approx. 304 to 636 sq. ft., including balcony Luxury balcony furniture 2 floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed, chair and 2 tables One complimentary mini-bar setup and free daily bottled water Spacious closet Complimentary laundry and professional cleaning services Complimentary dinner at specialty restaurant on embarkation evening^ Priority reservations for specialty restaurants and shore excursions Priority disembarkation at tender ports Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator Two flat-panel televisions Private bathroom with tub and separate shower 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service Desk with chair Hair dryer & fine bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cabana Mini-Suite
Cabana Mini-Suite

The Cabana stateroom features a balcony, a private cabana, unique outdoor furniture and an extra-large private lounge space that lets you take in the fresh sea air. Unwind inside with a separate sitting area with sofa bed and premium bathroom amenities. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Cabana Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Cabana Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 329 sq. ft., including balcony and cabana Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Private cabana beside your balcony for an extra-large outdoor lounge space Access to the Cabana Deck, an outdoor lounge space exclusively for Reserve Cabana staterooms Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

Cabana Mini-Suite
Cabana Mini-Suite

The Cabana stateroom features a balcony, a private cabana, unique outdoor furniture and an extra-large private lounge space that lets you take in the fresh sea air. Unwind inside with a separate sitting area with sofa bed and premium bathroom amenities. Enjoy Reserve Collection upgrades on select Cabana Mini-Suites. In addition to the great amenities found in all Cabana Mini-Suites, you will receive Reserve Collection upgrades, including access to the Reserve Collection Restaurant. Approximately 329 sq. ft., including balcony and cabana Balcony with 2-4 chairs, table and ottoman Private cabana beside your balcony for an extra-large outdoor lounge space Access to the Cabana Deck, an outdoor lounge space exclusively for Reserve Cabana staterooms Bathroom with shower Floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors Separate sitting area with sofa bed & coffee table Complimentary welcome glass of bubbly on embarkation day Luxury mattress topper and pillows Two flat-panel televisions Comfortable queen or two twin beds Refrigerator 100% cotton, high-thread count linens Complimentary 24-hour room service† Spacious closet Desk with chair Hair dryer & bathroom amenities Digital security safe

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